Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hello again

Truth be told I have not written in a couple weeks. I found myself not listening to the words I have spoken in my blogs. It was like I knew them to be true but I ignored them. Sometimes dramatic change occurs in ones life and they forget their words. They become someone else and lose who they truly are. What happen was I spoke the truth. I let go, I trusted my intuition, I heard the words spoken to me from the spiritual world, I tasted the foul actions, I saw clearer for the first time, I inhaled my surroundings, I felt the hairs on my skin stand up and I decided I had enough. But there are always negative outcomes from telling the truth. Are you willing to be belittled? Are you willing to be shut down, excused of wrongful doings and thrown down the rabbit hole? Are you ready to go up against other peoples beliefs and stand up for who you are knowing they will do anything in their power to bring you down? Are you ready for people to totally disagree with you because they are not able to hear both sides of a story? And are you willing to live with the fact that they may never know the real truth because they are unaware and have shut down that side of their brain? These are the consequences you may have to take but in order for change to occur and love and light to begin you have to take a leap of action. No more sitting on the fence. No more not being present and living in the past or the future. What you feel is wrong in your heart you have to stand up and be strong. When you shift your awareness, listen, be still and move forward you shift all the energies that surround you. From your dear loved ones and family to your true given path. We are not here to be stuck, living day to day looking only into what's in front of us. If we lived in that box we would never see what lays behind and on all four sides of us. Do not be scared to tell the truth and listen to all six senses. There is always guidance that surrounds you. They are just waiting for you to call on them...Remember Truth is a powerful word. To develop such letters and have it mean so much can alter any given situation brought forth to you. The word could change your existence. Not only yours but others too....

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