Wednesday, October 24, 2012

15 years ago

We are feeling the season change lately as the breeze is getting cooler and our days are getting shorter. Many years ago each fall I would always come down with a cold that either turned into a sinus infection or bronchitis. My sickness would last a couple long months of choking on phlegm and coughing till I could not breathe. Every year up I would go to the doctors and be prescribed antibiotics. Penicillin would kill me therefore I had to try a new medication each time. But at the age of eighteen I decided to stop going to the doctors and take a hold of my life and reverse my illness. So what prompted me to take a risk and not listen to my parents who would say each time that I coughed uncontrollably, "Sounds good who's your undertaker!"

Well I honestly think it all started from childhood. Children are so in tune to the world that everything just comes natural. When my sister and I were young we would go outside and gather red berries off the tree along with twigs, branches, flowers, leaves, grass and dirt. We would spend hours carefully picking the earth apart and mixing what we found with water and flour. Then we would decorate all the trees around our playground with this colorful paste. At a young age we already knew there must be something wonderful growing around us.

Years passed by and I started dabbling in paganism and was interested in how the witches knew which medicinal herbs to brew in their pot to cure many ailments. Now I know you may be thinking "ok this girl is a witch, I had enough of this voodoo and I will discontinue reading". Trust me you won't be the first or the the last to make assumptions. But please carry on with me and be amused. A long time ago witches were hung because they were just mixing together what is given to us that grows freely on this earth. When people sipped on their liquid herbal medicine, they simply felt better. Witches have nothing to do with voodoo by the way. They believe in doing no harm to none. Therefore I continued reading more and more books on natural remedies and came across astragalus root. Instead of going to my routine doctor I took this herb. It is a natural antibiotic that boosts your immune cells. It increases the number of stem cells in bone marrow and activates white blood cells. It stimulates the "germ-eating" macrophages, activates T-cells, natural killer cells and produces immune globulins. Now I am not saying this was the only treatment I gave myself. I made soups, drank herbal teas and rested. I allowed my body to heal itself on it's own and it did gracefully. No antibiotics, Tylenol cold flu or cough syrup!

Next blog we will continue on with other ways to catch colds at the first sign or symptom you feel....

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