Sunday, June 23, 2013

Turn off all the lights

I sit in the dark...
All lights diminished...
Burned out...
Dwindling specks of light flourishing through the creases...
I mingle with the depths of forbidden thoughts...
Purged through the frequency of the heart...
Beating skipping fluttering...
Thrown in the entanglement of justice...
Surveying the priceless moments of exuberant encounters...
Beating the impediment gestures of decisions...
Floating to the surface back to the inner realm...
Repeating to my light...

I forgive you...
(Taking a deep breath in)
I forgive you...
(Exhaling the air out)
I forgive you...
(The past is now gone)

I forgive myself...
(My tongue starts to tingle)
I forgive myself...
(The lips crease upwards)
I forgive myself...
(The future has now begun)

Forgive me
(I sincerely am sorry)
Forgive me
(For my darkness will now shed only love)
Forgive me
(This resonance is dispersed)
Forgive me for now I am in the present..

Where light will know no darkness that diminishes purpose...
Where turbulent waters will not be able to drown the depths of the soul...
Where fighting and ignoring the signs of of truth will not be able to sucomb to excuses...
Turn on the lights...
Tune into the present...
Follow the ???????

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