Sunday, July 7, 2013

Surrender by the New Moon

I hault
Step back and drop down
Hand over the guns
I surrender to you
I realize I have no control therefore I stop
No more running, drowning in the hole that sucks me in
No racing to what I may think is right
No hesitations
Never to doubt all the signs ever
I am not able to reach the finish line until I give in
I will now listen
Forgive me again
I will actually take my first deep breath in
To see what is standing right in front of me
Quiet my ego and exhale
I clearly see the lesson
And it won't stop
It won't stop
Until I hear you
Until I understand
Open my door that has been closed shut
Roll the windows down
Let the air in gracefully
Please be gentle on me
I ask for guidance
I have no choice
No excuses
No more questions
This time I truly let go
Patience is a virtue
Strength kills fears
For this is my new moon
My new beginning

Photo by LA Olson

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