Saturday, April 12, 2014

Where Does the Good Go

Do I sit here patiently waiting for a break or do I lash out with no filter?

i open the door and walk through with all my might, tilt my head back with sunshine kissing my eyelids

Should I keep my mouth shut quietly or scream from the top of my lungs for everyone to hear my bellows?

i will conserve my energy wisely while breathing deeply from the highest volcano top

Do I crack the lid that has been boiling over or take it off and let it run all down the pot?

i decided to just let the lava run its course for the lessons needed to be learned from the universe

Should I ?

Instead I just laugh

I say thank you, thank you, thank you over and over like a broken record

I smile to myself and say OK

I giggle again uncontrollably

I do not cry, shout nor think of the possibility of this madness...

I am not even flinching at the mere fact I am standing in burning molten rock

Slap me in the face...I will turn the other cheek...

Suspend me into thin air...I will answer with alright and walk away...

Give me another catastrophe to deal with and I will take it head on...

Is this all you got?

Oh am I showing strength?

Should I be cradled?

Do you feel the need to give me pity?

No please no...

I do not have all the answers for myself or for you even right now...

I have accepted so much that tomorrows lessons blur out the ones from yesterday...

I know this phase of climbing up, stumbling down, getting back up, pushed back down and standing back up again is a blessing from the high above...

I welcome it with only peace..

I know..

I believe..

I sing..

I keep laughing...

Lets not make it harder than it has to be...

My itunes radio has left me with this last acoustic song from Tegan and Sara (Where does the good go) I have never heard before...I think I may like it therefore I will share with I use my purple painted calloused fingers from continuous guitar strumming and dabble into learning how to play this tune just for now...

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