Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I step back..
Hesitant to type blasphemy....
Crinkled nose wondering do I dare...
Funny how I know your secrets...
Without asking...
Does this make you uncomfortable?
Insecure maybe?
Nah you are more than that...
But do I need to tell you?
Uplift you?
Make you the person you are meant to be..
I am not scared...
I might have just made myself known..
Cut through the bull shit..

I step up...
No doubt to keep me from moving forward any longer...
Peaceful light comes over me..
Sarcastically I boldly have no filter..
I speak clearly...
This does not make you step back?
Want to give up now?
You do have the chance to quit and just walk away...
But why am I feeling my fingertips?
Am I shocked?
Make me the person I am suppose to be...
Now I dare you..
I might have just dropped my head and fallen to the ground...
Let's not beat around the bush this time around....

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