Friday, November 2, 2012

Sovereign silver

What should we take to boost our immune system at the first sign of a cold? Well we all need to be aware of our bodies response to infection first. Are you sneezing, feeling a little tired or achy these days from the abrupt change in the weather? Well I have. I woke up on Sunday morning when the temperature dropped into the fifties over night and the wind took us by surprise and started blowing my nose with numerous sneezes. I immediately reached for Collidal silver and took a teaspoon every hour to boost my immune system. Needless to say I swallowed it several times a day and it did not turn into a full blown cold or an infection.
Everyone needs to add sovereign silver to their medicinal cabinets. At the first sign of a cold you put a dropper full under your tongue up to seven times a day and no more. Taste like water and works as a natural antibiotic to kill any infection you may have in your body. To improve your immune on a regular basis throughout this flu season take once a day. Whole foods sells it if you need it right away along with at a discounted price. Even if your cold turns into an infection because you did not catch it, still reach for the Collidal silver and opt for no antibiotics!!!

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