Friday, April 3, 2015
How do we make ourselves still believe?
Dropped down into a computer or phone?
Or maybe just depressed bringing their shoulders forward...
my eyes are red on the inside from crying and on the outside all irritated and itchy from looking at this screen...
my skin erupts and oozes flinching in agitation and disgust from what surrenders to me...
I am being sucked vigorously into the deep hole that succumbs most of life living on this planet...
I repeat words in monotones over and over; yes a broken record we repeat to ourselves constantly....
I wake out of my slumber with a gut wrenching sensation of wishing I could close my eyes to the melody of my dreams...
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Some of you listen but never hear the words...
Continued paths of falling backwards or offtrack...
You may see the exact movements of my lips for your convenience. ..
But to your dismay you do not grasp what I am portraying....
Everyone wants the approval of others to do what is right...
You need the fulfillment of getting the ok...
Once they do they get this thrill in their soul like a child to do something that is only allowed on independence day...
When the fireworks are in the sky that most of you wish you can reach, you smile secretly within yourself...
You get excited about light above that is not necessarily suppose to be there after sunset...
Something unfamiliar, daring, bold, frightening to few and startling...
Therefore we wait patiently and feel the beauty shining down amongst us with delight...
Friday, June 27, 2014
Why lose the exhale when we can continue to inhale?
I breathe in, hold, heart beats faster, I listen to the pulse of blood and know that I have to let the air out for my breath to feel my presence tonight. I wipe my eyelids with the back of my two hands as I close my eyes with relaxation bringing both palms together to the center of my chest. Breathing in again I center myself. I stretch my muscles, tilt my head glancing over my shoulder and change the station again and again. I nod my head as I tilt my ear to the side, glancing out the window of darkness. I pause. Place my warm burning hands over my face, eyelids penetrating warmth through me tilting my head back. I push the wisps of hair out of my mouth with relief. I smile. I look at my screen. Hands together still I lick the two index fingers lightly. I intertwine eight of my fingers raise them over my head and point the other two up to you my new moon. I bring the knuckle of my right thumb to my third eye and implant what needs to be seen in the indent of clarity. I caress my ankles gently with one stroke and ground myself.
Why is everyone so afraid to bow down on all fours in a pyramid stance and leap forward to bring all limbs together? Why are you scared to jump forward to create unity? We all want to be one with each other but are all too hesitant to step forward. What makes your cringe with tightened muscles so viciously? Why are you so hesitant to look him or her in the eye with love and light? Do you need to forgive him, her or maybe yourself? Do you need to accept this is where you are placed right now to live? We want brief encounters filled with electricity and no tomorrows. We want to be in the moment but do not want to do the work for the next day. We succumb to the mystery because its intriguing but never unlock the story. We want easiness where we do not thrive or delve into the unknown. We crave the safety net to surround us so we will not break. We feel the need to have the last word or choice or decision or hold onto our belief and not drown under water because then we will lose control. We never desire to feel broken because someone may put our pieces together again. Open your eyes and raise your voice. No more hesitation or missing out on wishing... When will we drop the ego and just be? You made it through the night.. Just remember the next time you doubt...
"Living like you're dying
Give me your cold hands
Put them on my heart
Raise a glass to everyone
Who thinks they'll never make it through
This life
To live a brand new start
We are
We are going to be alright
We got
We got
We always got the fight in us and
We are
We are going to live tonight
Like there's no tomorrow
'Cause we are the afterlife"-Ingrid Michaelson
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Lets channel under the full moon and manifest
I am at the end of my wits
Talk to me please
I am tired
Losing hope
Fallen down to many times
Continuosly stood up
Please help
I call on you on this full moon
I will listen carefully
Breathe in deeply and release
You are in another dimension
You need to pull yourself out
I am in another realm
Step out soon
Remember who you are
Who are you
Why are you here
To live in accordingly to the law
To reach justice
To preach
Never give up feel
Surrender to mankind
We are in need of a movement drastically within our self and in others
Keep writing
We are here
Fight listen
Keep going step out
Dont give up
Praise us dear one t=circle s and circle and circle
You teach students to give to love to know and do not back down
I want love to pour thru the eyes of mankind
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Lets channel
What am I am bringing to the table my angels
what do i do next
keep smiling and laughing We love it
I am tired though What do i do
laugh some more tell the truth you are free
But I have been slowly giving up and giving in?
i never had a head rest and now you delight me with one Thankyou
We speak in monotones hesitant to disrupt the ear of the other afraid we may shake or shatter their existence. Why?
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The 100 Post to my Blog
Tired of wiping up the mess you have left for me...
Enough already I praise to you...
I sing from the true soul that fiercely escapes my lungs vigorously...
What the hell is wrong with you?
May I ask you dear one who do you think you may be with that smirk upon your face?
I sit here mind blown by the blastemy of our kind...
I clean my floors on my knees tonight and wonder where did everyone go so wrong with the universe...
We quote day in and day out
We post pictures, sayings, jokes, word phrases, artists, music, videos, other peoples blogs, the news...
Scroll down, like, like, dislike, scroll some more, shut off, turn back on again, why is there not a dislike button yet for a multi million company, for gods sake shut the fuck up, goodnight and good morning to you...
Oh lets check in and check out
Let's create a page to get more likes
Promote, promote and here we are again...
Pop up message, alert, event...
Join my game...
My friend of one thousand...
You did not just stalk him or her....
I would like to defriend you my ex or friend i would like to punch in the face...
Let me look at my newsfeed...
I will share...
Deactivate for no distraction...
Where did I go?
I love the instant messenger as if you are more connected to the web than the phone text..
But more in touch with the typing than to be able to pick up the dam phone and have a real conversation...
Yes brutal
Yes truth
Yes clarity
Yes negativity
Yes positivity
Yes wake up
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
I step back..
Hesitant to type blasphemy....
Crinkled nose wondering do I dare...
Funny how I know your secrets...
Without asking...
Does this make you uncomfortable?
Insecure maybe?
Nah you are more than that...
But do I need to tell you?
Uplift you?
Make you the person you are meant to be..
I am not scared...
I might have just made myself known..
Cut through the bull shit..
I step up...
No doubt to keep me from moving forward any longer...
Peaceful light comes over me..
Sarcastically I boldly have no filter..
I speak clearly...
This does not make you step back?
Want to give up now?
You do have the chance to quit and just walk away...
But why am I feeling my fingertips?
Am I shocked?
Make me the person I am suppose to be...
Now I dare you..
I might have just dropped my head and fallen to the ground...
Let's not beat around the bush this time around....
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Where Does the Good Go
i open the door and walk through with all my might, tilt my head back with sunshine kissing my eyelids
Should I keep my mouth shut quietly or scream from the top of my lungs for everyone to hear my bellows?
i will conserve my energy wisely while breathing deeply from the highest volcano top
Do I crack the lid that has been boiling over or take it off and let it run all down the pot?
i decided to just let the lava run its course for the lessons needed to be learned from the universe
Should I ?
Instead I just laugh
I say thank you, thank you, thank you over and over like a broken record
I smile to myself and say OK
I giggle again uncontrollably
I do not cry, shout nor think of the possibility of this madness...
I am not even flinching at the mere fact I am standing in burning molten rock
Slap me in the face...I will turn the other cheek...
Suspend me into thin air...I will answer with alright and walk away...
Give me another catastrophe to deal with and I will take it head on...
Is this all you got?
Oh am I showing strength?
Should I be cradled?
Do you feel the need to give me pity?
No please no...
I do not have all the answers for myself or for you even right now...
I have accepted so much that tomorrows lessons blur out the ones from yesterday...
I know this phase of climbing up, stumbling down, getting back up, pushed back down and standing back up again is a blessing from the high above...
I welcome it with only peace..
I know..
I believe..
I sing..
I keep laughing...
Lets not make it harder than it has to be...
My itunes radio has left me with this last acoustic song from Tegan and Sara (Where does the good go) I have never heard before...I think I may like it therefore I will share with I use my purple painted calloused fingers from continuous guitar strumming and dabble into learning how to play this tune just for now...
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Questions, doubts, songs, lyrics, words, affirmations wonder through our brains continuously..
Look at yourself in the mirror.
Seriously take a good look...
Then close your eyes, imagine yourself in front of you and embrace yourself.
Hug yourself, take in your own self, love it, speak to who you are and see who you really are.
Yes it may be a hundred percent love, light and happiness but it might have some dark corners that are frustrating, annoying and piercing.
At first it may be scary. Have you ever actually imagined your body in front of yourself?
We all fantasize about others, places or things being in front of us as we daydream.
We try to picture our future as we our lost into another realm.
But we never mirror ourselves in our fantasy dream world.
We never truly see ourselves being able to create the world we would like to live in.
Our thoughts have so much power to create the future and what we want from the purpose of our position here on earth.
So go ahead..I dare you....It's ok...fantasize about the beautiful or ugly that you are...
If you are not able to do this how is anyone else able to look up to you or believe in you?
How are they able to learn from you ?
How are they able to see you and want to be a better person or learn from you?
How will they be able to love you, like you, smile, joke, laugh, listen, be at peace with you, feel, caress, fight for you?
They will not be able to look through your eyes and see within your true soul if you are not able to see within your own soul...
all of a sudden my whole body shifted...I was aligned straight up from my feet to my mouth with such great force it awakened me...rays of light and warmth streamed from hands and feet as I came one with my body and came back into the present.
YES when we are one with ourselves we are one with others
MEDITATE with yourself before you fall to sleep tonight and mirror your eyes looking deep into your soul
GOOD KEEP GOING DONT GIVE UP you have drive to want to be who you are suppose to be
IF YOU GOT NOTHING YOU BETTER GET UP AND GET SOMETHING let go of your fear and create...create that world that is destined to be with your mind...surrender, believe, change, love and stand up
Monday, February 3, 2014
Silence is a virtue We are all one by love only
Silence is a virtue.....But what does virtue actually mean? What does this quote signify? Obviously I have not written in awhile. Why? Life has moved at a very fast pace for me lately as I have accomplished, moved extremely forward and I have gone within. I have no need or urge to speak from my heart for the whole world to listen to my bellows. I am in complete silence. I have come to a quiet stance where I have open and closed ALL my doors that needed to be revisted or dealt with. My buttons were finally pushed for tears to stream uncontrollably out of my eyes to break the wall that I have built so high from many disappointments, failures and struggles to not give up on the drastic decision that i made seven years ago. Therefore I will give you the defintion of VIRTUE through the eyes of Christianity and Buddhism for you to be familar with where I may be. Love and light until I write and blog to you again...
The three theological virtues are
Faith, Hope and Love, a list which comes from 1 Corinthians 13:13
The same chapter describes love as the greatest of the three, and further defines love as "patient, kind, not envious, boastful, arrogant, or rude."
(The Christian virtue of love is sometimes called charity and at other times a Greek word agape is used to contrast the love of God and the love of humankind from other types of love such as friendship or physical affection.)
The Bible mentions additional virtues, such as in the "Fruit of the Holy Spirit," found in Galatians 5:22-23: "By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit it is benevolent-love: joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, benevolence, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is absolutely no law against such a thing."
Buddhist practice as outlined in the Noble Eightfold Path can be regarded as a progressive list of virtues.
Right View - Realizing the Four Noble Truths
Right Mindfulness - Mental ability to see things for what they are with clear consciousness
Right Concentration - Wholesome one-pointedness of mind
Buddhism's four brahmavihara ("Divine States") can be more properly regarded as virtues in the European sense.
They are:
Metta/Maitri: loving-kindness towards all; the hope that a person will be well; loving kindness is "the wish that all sentient beings, without any exception, be happy."
Karuṇā: compassion; the hope that a person's sufferings will diminish; compassion is the "wish for all sentient beings to be free from suffering.
Mudita: altruistic joy in the accomplishments of a person, oneself or other; sympathetic joy -"the wholesome attitude of rejoicing in the happiness and virtues of all sentient beings."
Upekkha/Upeksha: equanimity, or learning to accept both loss and gain,praise and blame, success and failure with detachment, equally, for oneself and for others. Equanimity means "not to distinguish between friend, enemy or stranger, but to regard every sentient being as equal. It is a clear-minded tranquil state of mind - not being overpowered by delusions, mental dullness or agitation."
Love and light
We are all one
Blogging will began again soon
But will be moving to a new blog site...
Until we meet again...
Believe and love
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
I let go
She Let Go
She let go. Without a thought or a word, she let go.She let go of the fear. She let go of the judgments. She let go of the confluence of opinions swarming around her head. She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the ‘right’ reasons. Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.She didn’t ask anyone for advice. She didn’t read a book on how to let go. She didn’t search the scriptures. She just let go. She let go of all of the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward. She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right.She didn’t promise to let go. She didn’t journal about it. She didn’t write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement and put no ad in the paper. She didn’t check the weather report or read her daily horoscope. She just let go.She didn’t analyze whether she should let go. She didn’t call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn’t do a five-step Spiritual Mind Treatment. She didn’t call the prayer line. She didn’t utter one word. She just let go.No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations. No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn’t good and it wasn’t bad. It was what it was, and it is just that.In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her. And the sun and the moon shone forevermore. -ernest holmes
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Excuse me
Edgy blunt words blurt freely from my lips...
I smirk..
Did you just take a step back?
Puzzled look upon your fragile face...
Did I bother you?
Heart starts to beat at a rapid pace...
Cat got your wet tongue?
I stare directly at your pupils.
I pierce through your confused soul.
Why do I have this god forsaken power over you?
Never attempted to do so.
Never to be not one with you.
Therefore I freeze without a soft whisper.
Racism is a brutal word.
Criticism is evil.
Judgement serves no purpose.
Beauty verses ugliness has no reason.
Would it be easier for you to lose your sight?
Driven to rely on what you sense.
Taken down to inhale someones scent.
Eager to reach out to grasp anothers warmth.
Cats tongue now needing to taste.
Your ears hear a little clearer now?
Drama drama drama
Television television television
News news news
Change change change
Hatred hatred hatred
Jealously jealously jealously
Excuses excuses excuses
Excuse me
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Red hands Walk off the earth
Watch "Red Hands - Walk off the Earth (Big Guitar Version!)" on YouTube
Oh yeah, oh yeah-ah, that gun is loaded
I know that I messed up a few times or watcha wanna call it
I know if I fell down, you'd change the way that I saw it
I put it on the line for this time only(Is that what you really want?)
I can't see that I got red hands, I'm colorblind singing (day-oh)
Don't put the blame on me, child, the damn thing gone wild (day-oh)
Never wanted to be fooling you, can't believe I was ruining you-oo(Is that what you really want?)
Oh yeah, oh yeah-ah, that gun is loaded
That gun is loaded, but it's not in my hand
That gun is loaded, but it's not in my hand
The fire burns, I'm not the one with the match, man
That gun is loaded, but it's not in my hand
Oh yeah, oh yeah-ah, that gun is loadedI've seen it all before, you back out, and everything's changingI needed something more, you stepped down, so what are you chasing?
I'd put it on rewind for this time only(Is that what you really want?)
I realize that I got red hands, I wanna change this (day-oh)
Don't ask me why I choose to lie, I stay blind, oh (day-oh)
It's clear to me that you are fuming too, your accusations are burning through-oo(Is that what you really want?)
Oh yeah, oh yeah-ah, that gun is loaded
That gun is loaded, but it's not in my hand
That gun is loaded, but it's not in my hand
The fire burns, I'm not the one with the match, man
That gun is loaded, but it's not in my hand
Oh yeah, oh yeah-ah, that gun is loadedOh yeah, oh yeah-ah, that gun is loaded
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Surrender by the New Moon
I hault
Step back and drop down
Hand over the guns
I surrender to you
I realize I have no control therefore I stop
No more running, drowning in the hole that sucks me in
No racing to what I may think is right
No hesitations
Never to doubt all the signs ever
I am not able to reach the finish line until I give in
I will now listen
Forgive me again
I will actually take my first deep breath in
To see what is standing right in front of me
Quiet my ego and exhale
I clearly see the lesson
And it won't stop
It won't stop
Until I hear you
Until I understand
Open my door that has been closed shut
Roll the windows down
Let the air in gracefully
Please be gentle on me
I ask for guidance
I have no choice
No excuses
No more questions
This time I truly let go
Patience is a virtue
Strength kills fears
For this is my new moon
My new beginning
Photo by LA Olson
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Fire Works Lightening
Lying on the dirt I am amazed by your colorful light. I watch and listen to your pounding heart. Patiently waiting for the next bang. You get louder and louder drowning out my blood. I lie for I am able to understand you. You surprise me with your new delight. Hours and hours go by and you continue to filter through my ears. Are you not tired of being known? You have made your entrance clear. All of sudden you are no longer there but some other energy has replaced you. Much brighter, stronger, full of vigor and strength. You do not take up only a part of my sky but fill the entire space. Piercing diagonally I never knew you broke up in that way. The smell I inhale becomes familar. You continue reassuring me that you are near. You make no noise but seep through my veins even with my eyes shut tight. Gracefully you outshine the depths of my soul quietly but fiercely. Lightening you are... Beautiful...
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Look up Chin up
For lips move worlds..
For daybreak shakes hidden souls...
Words kisses slips through breath...
Light darkness mingles in depths of the unknown...
Pierce her heart with a beat she never knew...
Pound on her drum with fight...
Out loud you will move a mountain...
Breaking the wall that has grown...
Chances promises questions doubts fears hopes dreams leads...
Lightening strikes more than once while thunder will follow through...
Rain falls hard while clouds will hang listless above...
Drain the water with lightening fire...
Diminish the condensation that lurks mid air...
Light rays are beautiful when able to shine...
The colors of love take flight
Soon to disapear...
Soon to be missed...
Soon to be gone...
Act now for tomorrow may be never near...
Rainbows only appear by luck...
When the noise stops and silence whispers in your ear...
Look up..
chin up...
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Turn off all the lights
I sit in the dark...
All lights diminished...
Burned out...
Dwindling specks of light flourishing through the creases...
I mingle with the depths of forbidden thoughts...
Purged through the frequency of the heart...
Beating skipping fluttering...
Thrown in the entanglement of justice...
Surveying the priceless moments of exuberant encounters...
Beating the impediment gestures of decisions...
Floating to the surface back to the inner realm...
Repeating to my light...
I forgive you...
(Taking a deep breath in)
I forgive you...
(Exhaling the air out)
I forgive you...
(The past is now gone)
I forgive myself...
(My tongue starts to tingle)
I forgive myself...
(The lips crease upwards)
I forgive myself...
(The future has now begun)
Forgive me
(I sincerely am sorry)
Forgive me
(For my darkness will now shed only love)
Forgive me
(This resonance is dispersed)
Forgive me for now I am in the present..
Where light will know no darkness that diminishes purpose...
Where turbulent waters will not be able to drown the depths of the soul...
Where fighting and ignoring the signs of of truth will not be able to sucomb to excuses...
Turn on the lights...
Tune into the present...
Follow the ???????
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Drink more water
Place your order for a new water system!!!
AlkaLife Antioxidant Water System
Easy to use, super hydrating, sweet tasting + pH balancing portable water system adapts to any faucet. Ionized hydrogen water oxygenates cells and removes free radicals, creating an environment essential to deterring bacteria, inflammation and disease. The molecular structure of this water is smaller, allowing more hydration and better detoxification. Features include: Soft Touch Screen with precise pH calibration system, pH Level Indicator-Alkaline/Purified/Acidic, state-of-the-art Carbon Activated Silver Nano Filter with 5 titanium thick coated platinum electrodes. Cartridge life 10,000 liters (replacement filters available). FDA Cleared Device. For more info contact heather at 860-559-9173
Friday, June 14, 2013
Like a moth to a flame..
Beauty resists hidden behind the depths of one soul...
Life encounters the lonely shelter of the frame...
Do I dare to sucomb to the listless nights of desire?
Be taken by the energy of the residue...
Dragged down into tempation of fire...
Relentless pursuits of dwindling demeanor. ..
Ignite the flame driven to repent ...
Throw the branches into the light...
Entangle enable fight or flight...
Preacher speaks of his opinionated views...
World forsaken from their sneaky objectives...
Clouds continue to move...
Darkness hangs high over the horizon...
Stillness is captured and erupts...
Water puts out fire...
Fire melts metal...
Metal disrupts wood...
Wood balances this earth...
Earth survives by droplets of water...
We will not be forsaken by this cycle...
Just be...
Love and light...
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Thankyou again...
Bio now on the link below. I have been blessed to be able to assist in peoples healing over the past few years with distributing the biomat to many. I thank my rep again for allowing me to be an affiliate on her page. Many of you have been mentioned in my previous blog titled thankyou but not necessarily have read it. Therfore I ask you to go back and read it. Alot of you have helped me to get to the here and now and I could have not done it without you. FATE always brings people into my life for a reason. There's been many changes flowing into my life where in the last week I have been able to finally since I started this blog been able to live them. I am a creative artist who was not using her gifts. I went to school for photography but am now in school for an acupuncturist. But I realized I do not have to do one or the other. I do not have to put one on the back burner. I can join them together by helping people. I wrote to you over and over again what I knew to be true. But when I was able to erase and let go of fear was I able to smile. From down on my knees blog to getting off of the ground I took a major leap of faith. I no longer question.I no longer second guess myself. I listened to what I knew to be true. I listened to my intuition and my heart. I listened to the signs. I will not be a victim of unhappiness. I know what I need, want and have the drive for in life. Therefore I will work on it and I will get it and conquer.
I may fall down again. I may trip. I may stumble over my two feet. I may make a stupid decision. I may sit down for too long and wallow. But I will never stay down on my knees for that long again. Yes you never know what will happen or will tragically be thrown at me but this time I have more faith and acceptance from the higher power. I now listen to my own advice written. Therefore I invite you to listen to my words spoken. I invite you to let me assist in your own healing. Click on the link below to learn more of what I have to offer.
My guitar teacher once told me after I cried that I was not able to sing "Everyone is able to sing. Do not compare yourself to others. Your voice comes from within. Now breathe and sing from your stomach. LISTEN... Sing from your heart. Let it out and do not be scared"
My reiki teacher told me after a day of training one on one "Do not even think of trying to heal others until you heal yourself. Practice for a year on others while practicing on yourself. One day you will JUST wake up and know from within yourself. Then you will be able to step up to the next level and assist in other peoples healing"
Two beautiful people who have changed my life. A muscian and a healer. Thankyou Bruce and Rebecca:)
Saturday, June 8, 2013
New moon New beginnings...
As I'm leaving
A change comes on my eyes
These streets persuading me
With mumbled strange goodbyes
Through the water
Through the rain
To the SOUL of everything
Throw my heart out on the stones -david grey
I smile I laugh at stupid things...
I see through my three third eyes...
Yes I learned we have three...
I breathe I inhale calmly now...
I stand calmly on all four limbs...
Yes our hands and feet need each other...
I am the I am...
I am love
I am delight
I am life
I am light-heather hickson
Friday, May 31, 2013
What makes you truly happy? Please comment... And don't link your response to a human please...
Love and light♥♥♥
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Watch "Labrinth feat. Emeli Sandé - Beneath Your Beautiful" on YouTube
My new favorite song! Click the link above to listen to and watch..
You are all beautiful to me!
Be present...
Listen always...
Let go of your boundaries...
Do not be scared...
No hiding where no one will see you...
Try again like you are brand new...
Be like a child who is desparately curious...
Children know no better...
Nobody wants to waste any ones time..
But don't waste your own precious time either...
Don't seperate yourself from race...
Hug and love as if you just stepped into ether for the first time...
The other color will look at you or may not with head down...
Your job is to raise their cervical spine by reaching out...
First time you may be given that dirty look or cold shoulder...
Pay no attention...
Remove the wall...
Look them in the eye and smile...
Next time smile with more love and kindness...
Sometimes it takes a little time...
They start to drop their guard...
They are hesitant...
They are scared...
They question...
Never give up on becoming one...
Then they drop a bit of their wall...
Trust pours in...
Love comes in...
Friendship is created...
Now you are laughing hysterically...
Now he or she smiles back...
Now you see no color...
Now they see no pigment...
Wall is completely gone...
It is possible...
Truth be told always;)
"I'm going to climb a top your every tower. I will hold your hand and we'll jump right out. Falling falling falling but that's ok"- labrinth
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Sometimes we stop believing... Whether it be in ourselves, others or things... I painted this canvas last night because I wanted to remind myself to never stop believing or give up the fight...
So what am I or you to believe?
First you believe in yourself...
Secondly that is all you need...
Thirdly this is still what you need..
Bring forth your energy conjured inside your soul and believe silently alone all you are able to project deep down inside and KNOW it, OWN it, FEEL it and STICK with it...
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Who am I now? The Bull is out
I know I am a few short days late describing where I am now but the timing was not right. So I waited a week or two after I turned 34. Mmm.. maybe a little more but who's counting? I am truthful and I will tell you in words in a blog or to your face who I am in this present being. If you want to question or are just curious ask me...
Why now in the morning do I decide to finally write?
Well again monster headphones are around my ears and what randomly is playing?
Christmas canon in d....
Yes winter is over and spring has begun...
Thankyou christmas night friend for being my rock also.
I felt safe with you. I hid upstairs in the club lounge corner because I knew you could easily put a smile on my face. You would not lie nor hurt me. After being crushed to pieces that xmas afternoon I found the way up to you. I may have forgot you in my thankyou blog therefore I want you to know that I will always be thankful for your being. Your innocence brings too much noncents to my table though...
So where am I now? Mmmm... where are you? Does anyone know? I write my dam blogs from my phone lying on my stomach because I can no longer connect to my neighbors internet service. This yellow old rug is still comfortable though at least...
All kidding aside I wake up now chanting over and over "I love my life I love my life I love my life" Followed by " Thankyou thankyou thankyou" In the shower "Sa ta na ma"
I am trying to stay in the present and being grateful for all I have and all that I am worth. I continue to work on my destined path and believe I will and am if not already there. When you let destiny and your higher self arrange it for you, you accomplish. When you pray and continue to believe and believe and believe some more that some day everything and everyone will fall into place because you gave your whole heart and soul and never gave up you willl succeed. I have climbed a big mountain to get to the here and now. I am almost to the top. So close... I am not going to lie to you, it takes work and commitment but anything is possible if you believe in yourself. What did I say? YOUR SELF YOUR SELF YOUR SELF!!!! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MAKES YOUR SELF HAPPY:)
So this is where I am now. When I laugh these days I snort through my nose and my friends laugh at me. I am alone some times and I just smile or laugh at my self peacefully... Either way I am taking it in... But this time I am waking up knowing that my angels are always with me with their subtle signs they send me... Knowing that each day there is always a new surprise in store for me...Knowing that I am ready to take it all on and in over and over...
The only difference is this time I am ready... I am not going to fight it anymore...This is who I am...Love it, like it or move on...The bull is out..Happy solar eclipse new moon in taurus my sign to and light♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Bring illumunation to someone's darkness
Matthew 5:13-16, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” (14) "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (15) Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. (16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.” (14) "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (15) Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. (16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Hold on to what you are Forget what you are not
Watch "Macklemore- Cowboy Boots Kinetic Type" on YouTube
"Cowboy Boots"[Intro]And we drink and get older
And some of us even try to get sober
Now here's to the assholes and the last calls
Well, city kids, you get what you ask for[Bridge]
And acquaintances turn to friends, I hope those friends they remember me
Hold the night for ransom as we kidnap the memories
Not sure there is a way to express what you meant to me
Sit around a table and use those years as the centerpiece[Hook 2x:]
Sounds of the city on Capitol Hill
Where I question if what I'm seeing here is real
Cowboy boots doing lines at the bar
Where the time goes slow when you're drinking PBR[Verse 1]
Hold on to what you were, forget what you're not
The streets were ours that summer, at least those two blocks
Reminisce on those days, I guess that's OK, you wonder why
Some grow up, move on, close the chapter, live separate lives
The twenty-something confusion before the suit and tie
Strangers become mistakes but those mistakes made you feel alive
Hindsight is vibrant, reality: rarely lit
Memory's a collage pasted to the glue that barely sticks
Good Lord, they broke all my shields
Locked bathroom doors, graffiti, and high heels
Until you felt that altitude you don't know how high feels
Party mountain, some don't ever come down from around here
To be young again, I guess it's relative
The camel lights, the whiskey rye, sink into the skinI fantasize about a second win
Grow a moustache, pick up another bad habit and let the games begin[Hook 2x][Verse 2]
So here's to the nights, dancing with the band
Strangers into girlfriends from a one night stand
Brought a little liquor and turn up the Johnny Cash
You could bring a receipt to Heaven but you cannot take it back
And this is life, this is real, even when it feels like it isn't
I'd be a goddamn liar to say at times I didn't miss it
So deuces, I turn my back as I walk into the distance
Dip my feet in every once in a while, just to say I visit
Come and hold onto these nights
Trying to find our way home by the street light
Over time you figure out this is me, right
Learn a lot about your friends right around two A.M
And acquaintances turn to friends, I hope those friends they remember me
Hold the night for ransom as we kidnap the memories
Not sure there is a way to express what you meant to me
Sit around a table and use those years as the centerpiece[Hook 2x:]
Sounds of the city on Capitol Hill
Where I question if what I'm seeing here is real
Cowboy boots doing lines at the bar
Where the time goes slow when you're drinking PBR
Friday, April 19, 2013
Symbolic meaning of 34
Naming of a son
Thunder over heaven
Spiritual warrior
Power of the realization of man
Symbolizes the axis of the world
The truth/holy spirit [3] over all four [4] corners, or simply: =LUCK
Manifesting your desires and energies
Ability to create your own realities
34 = 3+4 = 7
Seven is the number of a perfectly completed cycle, as each phase of the moon lasts for seven days
The idea of perfect timing and the ordering of nature is expressed with the numeric union of the 4 (symbolic of Earth in Chinese philosophy) and 3 (symbolic of heavenly attribute).
Thank you to everyone who has left an imprint in my being...
After I cried all the tears from my eyes until my eyelids were puffy, I got off my knees and stood up. You can't stay down forever. The floor starts to get uncomfortable or cold. It was a good idea at the moment to feel closer to the earth but then at some point the in between the floor and ceiling looks even better. Sometimes you just need to let it all out until there's no more in you. Yes I wallowed on my bed that day doubting and questioning myself. But don't we all at some point in our lives? A few days later a good friend heard in my voice that I was not myself and immediately got on the plane to come visit me for the weekend. (If I have never thanked you dear friend, I thank you now yauhen, for being my angel). Things started to look up after that and I started school...
I have been hesitant on how to word the seven years of my life and next couple blogs till i am 34 without offending anyone but I am still 33 and if you go back to last years blog at this time the number 33 is all about the truth. Therefore I am going to take it all the way with the truth from my deep heart...
Did you know that every seven years your life starts a new cycle and a new beginning?
What did I accomplish or do in seven years?
1. I was certified as a Reiki master teacher (thank you Rebecca Lopez for for bringing me through all levels and changing my life)
2. I became a certified level three integrated energy therapist (thank you Michelle McCarthy for the most memorable experience of feeling the angels)
3. I fell in love, shared many wonderful moments and got engaged (thank you Eli for the time we spent together)
4. I have attuned and taught nine people reiki one (thank you Amber, Jennifer, Jessica, Zarik, Arrianne, Sylvia, Drea, Marcella and Kristina for allowing me to be your teacher. It was an honor to teach such amazing women)
5. I started blogging the truth and sharing my thoughts (thank you Nahum for exercising my words to speak more from my heart and not my mind)
6. I graduated with a Ba in alternative medicine and science (thank you Everglades and the friends I made there)
7. I started attending the cavalry (thank you Nora for sharing a beautiful place and being the wonderful friend that you are to me through your kindness and enlightenment. I will miss you though when you leave)
8. I ended the engagement and five year relationship
( thank you mom dad amber brandie Taina and Nora for being my rock Thank you grandpa for becoming a closer grandfather to me)
9. I for the first time tried acupuncture in the state of Fl (thank you Linda, Isaac, Leah, Noah and Eli for the times you put a smile on my face and for when the yin and yang flowed together)
10. I have made many new friends and lost good ones (thank you Brandie for sitting down outside that night on new years and becoming my new good morning [now that sounds like we are lovers but you get it like you know what a true, honest, loving friend is suppose to be with laughter and light] Thank you Jennifer for being placed in my life as a fighter but also a giver who truly deep down is a compassionate friend to me. Thank you Dock for being a friend who knows her value in life and has shown me mine as a dear friend to have)
11. I enrolled in acupuncture school and will graduate on the same date that I moved here seven years ago in August ( thank you class 2013 for being in my life and sharing many great moments. I am very happy to have met each one of you and been placed with a group where each and everyone of you are unique and have left an impression on me)
12. I became a distributor of the biomat which has helped many people reverse their illness (thank you marilyn Cobb for guiding me)
13. I have helped cancer patients but lost one dear one to brain cancer (rest in peace with love and light Kristina)
14. I met Taina who was my first friend in Fl (thank you Taina for finding my FATE sarcasm to be amusing and for being the beautiful friend of seven years like no other. You have been there for me through thick and thin and continue to always do so)
15. I became a certified food healing instructor which has opened a new door to managing people's disease and diet (thank you Jeff and the vitamixer)
16. At this point my brain is starting to hurt trying to remember the last seven years so I will just go to 21 my lucky number (thank you my angels for showing me numerological signs continuously lately knowing I am on the right path)
17. I missed my mother father sister and family the most in these seven years (thank you dad mom and amber for always standing by me, helping me, listening to me and being there for me no matter what. Thank-you amber for becoming closer to me as a lovely sister You three are the world to me and I love you)
18. I am so happy to bring all these modalities together when I become a certified acupuncturist to help heal others (thank you mom and dad for believing in me and lifting me up)
19. I picked up my guitar again and began playing music (thank you sorrow, hatred, confusion, joy and love for showing me these emotions)
20. I started painting beautiful pictures on canvass (thank you creativity, passion, drive and inspiration)
21. I have never regretted again my life since the day I was down on my knees. Everything and everyone has taught me a lesson and made me a stronger person, healer, lover, cook, artist, fighter, writer, player, musician etc. Thank you everyone who I have came in contact with and knows me. You have all at some point left an imprint in my life even if I have not mentioned your name.)
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Down on my knees...
I explained to you in the last four blogs the moment I went from being down on my knees to lifting my head up again with shoulders back and light that once flickered in my eyes restored. I shared with you Reiki and integrated energy therapy that I practice and teach. What else? For some of you just starting to read my blog, my goal over the past week is to quickly bring you to the here and now of my life by the age of 34 on Sunday. Three days left.. What will I cover?
1. The last seven years
2. What I have accomplished
3. Significance of the number 34
4. Where I am at now and no more of the past
5. Why I feel the need to briefly share part of my life story
Well now we are at about age 27 when I decided to sell most of my belongings, drive my vw beetle without sleeping all the way down to Fl on the highway, get back on the plane and drive the uhaul down the following weekend to move to boca raton fl. I out of a whim decided I was going to leave everything behind me, start something new and carry on with what I love to do in my life. I was making very good money as a bartender/cocktail server/waitress at high end Italian restaurants and lounges but decided I couldn't live this life forever. (Go back to my money blog) Just when I decided to leave I was offered a job to run a new lounge owned by one of the Italian restaurants I was working at but I still believed this business was not enough for me. I have been in food and beverage since the age of sixteen. You can do the math on how many years its been if you have been following me;) (18 yrs!!) Dam I could write a book just on the customers alone lol Never mind the fact I could run a restaurant/bar like no other! Needless to say part of those 18 years, the last five years have been contributed to faithfully bar-tending and serving at a tiki bar at a hotel while doing banquets and restaurant work while being underpaid.
Why did I move to south Florida? I needed to take a risk and change. I had to make a choice to stay stuck or take a chance. Therefore that is just what I did. I enrolled in Everglades university to finish my BA in alternative medicine and science. I already had an associates degree in science plus a year in photography school. All I did with those credentials was a few weddings, portraits, com cards and band photos. Again photography was not enough for me. I did not want to spend my days with brides who acted like their wedding day had been the most stressful day of their life when it should be just one of the many happiest days. (I could do a blog alone on this subject but for now will try to keep my opinion to myself)
So when I arrived in south Florida, I had two weeks before I started school at Everglades. What did I do in those two weeks? I became depressed and distant. I knew nobody in my new town. I went to the beach, lingered at the pool, went for walks, faithfully did my pilates video, continuously got lost when I drove because everything looked the same to me and put together my new apt. My new hangout was whole foods because we didn't have that " whole paycheck" store near us up north and I would occasionally go out to dinner solo to talk to people. I was all good in those two weeks until one day I found myself crying to tears in the middle of the day on my bed that I just put the canopy frame on. I remember that day as it happened yesterday. I just sat there sobbing uncontrollably wondering did I make the right decision to leave my family and everyone I loved? Was I being selfish and didn't think of their feelings and how they may feel me leaving them? Did I not think any of this through? What am I doing and did I just run away? Am I going to be happier here? Am i really thousand of miles from my home town? The continuous questions and sorrow just poured through my heart that afternoon as I sat on my bed....
To be continued...
"In case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see, this his my heart, bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees" -jewel
Sunday, April 14, 2013
What is Integrated Energy Therapy?
So I told you about Reiki and though I did not write this particular article on IET nor do I remember who wrote it, I still would like to share because it explains IET well. I am explaining in these few blogs what I do following "This is my story blog"...
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a safe, gentle, nurturing way to empower and balance your life by helping you release patterns of the past for good. Feelings and sensations are stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain. Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment or self-limiting beliefs can become "stuck" (or suppressed) in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital life force at a cellular level. These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or dis-ease. IET uses a unique Cellular Memory Map® to target specific areas in the body where these "cellular memories" are stored, helping to release them on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As these blocks are cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates and your energy field is re-balanced. The more your energy body opens and vital life force can flow freely through it, the closer you move to a natural state of being: pure joy. How IET Can Be Used Increase your sense of well-being, life purpose, happiness, creativity, health and prosperity Painlessly identify and release your deeply suppressed feelings and your core cellular memories Have more fulfilling, loving relationships in all areas of your life Discover and live your Soul's mission in life Support your self-healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Provide gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families Increase your connection to the loving and nurturing spirit of the Divine Remove limitations so that you are empowered to live your best life Release the Trauma Without the Drama One of the benefits of IET is an opportunity for you to be free of the story that you tell yourself and others about your life and the world that you live in. The stories that we maintain often create dynamics in life where it is as if you are functioning under a spell. The vibrations of particular energy blocks maintain old ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations that then radiate out and attract situations energetically to us that will "prove" that these old stories are still true today. These "new" situations have the same vibration of the old ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations and the story is then strengthened by being verified. Now being even more committed to the truth of our stories, we vibrate more of the same, attract more of the same, and a cycle of dysfunction persists and the "spell" is cast. When we share our stories with others, we use words to convey the intricate patterns and design of our particular experience. The words that we choose have the unique function of conveying to the world the power and conviction that we feel for what our story means to us. Words, along with the old ideas, beliefs, and feelings, can then carry a specific "charge" with them. IET can work at the level of cause where the initial trauma was introduced without using words that can threaten or trigger the old sensations or emotions. This also helps to avoid unnecessary confusion or confrontation that can occur when trying to navigate through a story by using words. By releasing the trauma without the drama, IET supports you in moving away from your story and into the truth: breaking the spell. Going back to the principles of Quantum Physics, we know that everything is comprised of energy. Each component of the "spell" can be addressed energetically: transforming the vibration of the stuck ideas, beliefs, emotions, or sensations from a level of dysfunction to one of true freedom or love. When the spell is broken, then we can vibrationally attract situations into our lives that radiate our inherent goodness and magnificence. Re-Balance Your Energy Whether your energy is depleted or over-stimulated, IET can effectively re-balance your energy body. Working at home or in an office, for yourself or for others, constant demands and responsibilities can lead to burnout or exhaustion. IET helps to reignite the passion, creativity, and sense of purpose that helps us thrive. Those of us who work with a high degree of public contact, such as Therapists, Nurses, Sales People, Teachers, Social Workers, or Body Workers, can sometimes accumulate "static" from being over-stimulated by the energies of the people we interact with. IET can help to dissipate this sense of overwhelm and bring us back in alignment with our own sense of Self. People who work with Technology can be sensitive to the energy of the electricity of the equipment and systems that they work with and experience an accumulation of energy that feels much like an electrical current, anxiety, or a jittery feeling. IET can help to ground and discharge this energy imbalance. Your energy body directly impacts the quality of your life. Maintenance and support of your energy body is maintenance and support of your best life! The Next Level of Energy Therapy IET is the next level of energy therapies that uses a higher vibrational energy than traditional forms. IET supports you in safely and gently releasing limiting energy patterns of your past, empowering and balancing your life in the present, and helps you to realize your dreams as you evolve into your future. How Energy Therapies Work Current research reveals that electromagnetic forces are the foundation of all life. Scientists are now proving what many Eastern medicine traditions have known for thousands of years-that our bodies not only contain "physical systems" (such as our circulatory or lymphatic systems), they are also made up of "energetic systems" that play a critical role in our health and well-being. Energy flows along prescribed pathways through our bodies much like blood moves through arteries. These pathways are recognized and actively used today in many alternative and preventive health care practices to balance and clear blockages in our energy systems: blockages that impact the way we feel physically, mentally and emotionally. How Integrated Energy Works In physical terms, health represents a condition of systems that are in perfect balance and flow: there are no constrictions, impediments, or blocks. In emotional or mental terms, health is the experience of truth, joy, and love: an expansive state of pure possibility and potential. All things are made of energy. Everything has a vibrational pattern, and these patterns can be changed. An energy block occurs when a naturally balanced energy system is flooded with negativity, trauma, distress, or fear-lowering the vibration of the energy body. By directing Integrated Energy into the energy system, the energetic imprint of a dysfunction or illness can be re-balanced-raising the vibration of the energy body and restoring the energy system back to its natural state of health and harmony. Integration Channel Diagram By scientific example: We can use water to represent the energy system, and heat to represent Integrated Energy. Water in its densest form is ice. By introducing an energy source of heat to ice, it transforms back to water. With continued heat, the water changes to steam, and ultimately vaporizes into air. Ice is transformed into air with the introduction of energy (heat)-moving from solid to light. By IET example: Using an Integration Channel® and the IET Cellular Memory Map®, the body's energy system is systematically infused with Integrated Energy. Dis-ease transforms to ease; dysfunctional feelings are transformed into feelings of harmony, joy and love; and fearful or negative thoughts are transformed into innocence, hope, and trust-moving from fear to love.